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Join the trade club

Published 05 January 2018

The WTO’s Accessions Intelligence Portal contains a bevy of information on the accession process, the status of more than twenty governments in the process of becoming a WTO member, technical assistance activities, and other resources.

Growing Membership

The World Trade Organization (WTO) came into existence in 1995 with 123 “original members”. Since then, the WTO has acquired 36 new members who are said to have “acceded” to the organization.

Accession is a process that requires aspiring members to submit documentation on the laws and practices of their existing trade regime for the purpose of reviewing their consistency with WTO rules. Acceding governments put together a Legislative Action Plan (LAP) detailing legislative changes necessary to come into compliance with WTO rules, which also enables other WTO members to comment before the arduous domestic process of changing laws and regulations.

How to Get a Club Card

The WTO’s Accessions Intelligence Portal contains a bevy of information on the accession process, the status of more than twenty governments in the process of becoming a WTO member, technical assistance activities, and other resources.

Particularly useful tools include the WTO Accession Map for a graphic depiction of current members and those that acceded since 1995. Slide the accession time bar to watch the process unfold. Dig deeper into the Legislative Action Plan. Register to see how governments reformed their regimes to come into compliance with WTO rules. Member reports on implementation can be found in the Accession Commitments Database, and the WTO provides a handy reference chart with links to official accession documents.

Andrea Durkin has returned to public service and no longer serves as an active contributor.

Previously, she was Principal of the trade advisory firm Sparkplug, LLC and the creator of Consensus Learning®, an innovative digital tool for teaching negotiation skills deployed in graduate classrooms, think tank simulations and government training.

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