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Trade and geopolitics

Strength in numbers: Collaborative approaches to addressing concerns with China’s state-led economic model

Published 15 April 2019 | 1 minute read

Asia Society Policy Institute’s report, “Strength in Numbers: Collaborative Approaches to Addressing Concerns with China’s State-Led Economic Model“, assesses the current U.S. approach to its trade dispute with China and urges the U.S. Administration to step up its work with like-minded partners and allies.

Working within the WTO, the paper recommends quick action on reforms to subsidies notifications to improve transparency, and filing joint cases for WTO dispute settlement to ensure China meets its existing obligations. It recommends working with like-minded partners in other international forums such as the G20, the OECD and APEC to address the challenges of China’s state-led economy. The paper suggests forming new coalitions of countries to tackle specific issues, such as building the U.S., EU and Japan “trilateral” talks. It also suggests closer coordination of coalition partners on “defensive measures,” to reduce the possibility of companies from other countries benefiting when new measures are implemented.

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