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US-China trade

The US-China trade war is one aspect of the intensifying US-China geopolitical rivalry. US-China trade tensions and their effect on global value chains will impact industry structures, investment, innovation and consumer welfare across the world. Explore topical research, including our book China, Trade and Power by Research Fellow Stewart Paterson.

Our US-China trade experts & contributors

Get access to proven experience and fresh thinking in cross-border trade, policy and business. Drawn from a wide range of disciplines and sectors, our experts offer valuable views and opinions on achieving sustainable global trade.

Stephen Olson

Former Senior Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation

Areas of expertise

Sustainable trade
Trade negotiations
Free trade agreements
Tariffs & non-tariff barriers

Stewart Paterson

Senior Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation

Areas of expertise

Monetary policy
Political economy

Henry Storey

Senior Analyst - Asia, Dragoman

Michael Enright

Pierre Choueiri Family Professor in Global Business, Northeastern University

Areas of expertise

Foreign direct investment
Impacts of trade
US-China trade
Greater Bay Area

Deborah Elms

Head of Trade Policy, Hinrich Foundation

Areas of expertise

Trade policy
Free trade agreements
Intellectual property rights
Digital trade
Trade and climate
Trade facilitation
Supply chains
Goods, services, customs, investments, MSMEs

Matt Gertken

Chief Strategist, BCA Research

Keith M. Rockwell

Senior Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation

Areas of expertise

Trade policy
Free trade agreements
Trade negotiations

John Clarke

Former Director for International Relations at DG Agriculture in the European Commission.

Jia Hui Tee

Senior Trade Policy Analyst, Hinrich Foundation

Henry Gao

Professor of Law, Lee Kong Chian Fellow, Singapore Management University

Areas of expertise

China economic policy
International law
Hinrich Foundation Advisory Board member

Kurt Tong

Partner, The Asia Group

Areas of expertise

East Asia diplomacy and economic affairs
Free trade agreements
US-China relations
Hinrich Foundation Advisory Board member

Chuin Wei Yap

Program Director, International Trade Research, Hinrich Foundation

Lee Sue-Ann

Senior Fellow, ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute

Nathan Picarsic

Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, and Co-Founder, Horizon Advisory

Emily de la Bruyère

Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, and Founder, Horizon Advisory

Areas of expertise

International organizations

Keith Zhai

Senior Adviser, Global Counsel

Nicholas R. Lardy

Nonresident Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics

Tianlei Huang

Research Fellow and China Program Coordinator, Peterson Institute for International Economics

Willy Shih

Robert and Jane Cizik Professor of Management Practice in Business Administration, Harvard Business School

Clete Willems

Partner, Akin Gump

Areas of expertise

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States
International trade policy
World Trade Organization (WTO) Dispute Resolution and Counseling

John Kachtik

Government Relations and Political Risk Specialist, Singapore

Clyde V. Prestowitz, Jr.

Founder, President of the Economic Strategy Institute

Douglas B. Fuller

Associate Professor at City University of Hong Kong

Dini Sari Djalal

Associate Director - Editorial, Hinrich Foundation

Michael Mudd

Digital trade economist, and founder and Managing Partner, Asia Policy Partners LLC (APP)

Maria Adele Carrai

Assistant Professor of Global China Studies, NYU Shanghai

Bert Hofman

Director, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore

Bryan Mercurio

Simon F.S. Li Professor of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

David Shambaugh

Professor of Asian Studies; Director of the China Policy Program, George Washington University

Areas of expertise

China's domestic politics
China's foreign relations
China's military and security
International relations of Asia

James McGregor

Chairman, Greater China, APCO Worldwide

Areas of expertise

Chinese economy
US-China relations

Song Gao

Co-CEO and Head of Research, PRC Macro

Areas of expertise

Chinese politics
China’s economic policy
US-China relations

Sitao Xu

Chief Economist, Partner, Deloitte China

Areas of expertise

Chinese economy

Razeen Sally

Areas of expertise

Asian economies
Trade and investment policy
Hinrich Foundation Advisory Board member

Alan Dupont

Senior Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation and CEO, Cognoscenti Group

Areas of expertise

International relations
China and East-Asia

Alicia Garcia Herrero

Chief Economist for Asia Pacific, NATIXIS

Areas of expertise

Economic impacts of trade
Macroeconomic policy
Asian economics

Kenneth Jarrett

Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group

Areas of expertise

International relations
US-China relations
Chinese politics

Alex Capri

Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation and lecturer, NUS Business School

Areas of expertise

Technology and trade
Global value chains
Tariffs and non-tariff barriers

Holly Smith


Areas of expertise

US-China trade

Douglas K. Barry

Senior Director, Communications and Publications, US-China Business Council

Areas of expertise

US-China relations
Foreign direct investment
Trade policy

Alice Calder

Freelance writer and economist

Areas of expertise

Immigration and international trade
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Economics and culture

Sam Lowe

Partner, Flint Global | Author, 'Most Favoured Nation'

Weihuan Zhou

Associate Professor & Director of Research, Faculty of Law & Justice, UNSW Sydney.

Areas of expertise

Trade disputes and remedies
Free trade agreements
China's economic reform

Lauren Kyger

Digital Content Manager, National Committee on US-China Relations

Areas of expertise

US-China trade
Foreign direct investment
Digital trade

Paul Sracic

Professor, Politics and International Relations at Youngstown State University

William Reinsch

Senior Adviser and Scholl Chair in International Business, CSIS

Emily Benson

Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies

Andrea Durkin

Former Principal of Sparkplug, LLC and creator of Consensus Learning, LLC

Areas of expertise

US-China relations
Tariffs and trade barriers

Leigh Wedell

COO and Co-Founder, Basilinna; Senior Fellow, Paulson Institute

Areas of expertise

US-China trade
China market access and expansion

Halit Harput

Senior Trade Policy Analyst, St.Gallen Endowment for Prosperity Through Trade

Chen Gang

Deputy Director and Senior Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore

Max Zenglein

Chief Economist, MERICS

François Chimits

Analyst, MERICS

Earl Carr

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, CJPA Global Advisors

Leland Lazarus

Associate Director, National Security, FIU's Jack D. Gordon Institute of Public Policy

Jeremy Neufeld

Senior Immigration Fellow, Institute for Progress (United States)

Jeroen Groenewegen-Lau

Head of Program, MERICS

Antonia Hmaidi

Senior Analyst, MERICS

Katsuji Nakazawa

Senior Staff and Editorial Writer, Nikkei Asia

Ali Wyne

Senior Analyst, Global Macro-Geopolitics, Eurasia Group

Robert D. Atkinson

President, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF)

Jude Blanchette

Freeman Chair in China Studies, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

Joshua P. Meltzer

Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

Areas of expertise

Digital trade
Technology and trade
US-China trade

Mark A. Cohen

Distinguished Senior Fellow and Director, Berkeley Center for Law and Technology

Areas of expertise

Chinese technology
Intellectual property
Law and technology

Akhil Ramesh

Senior Fellow, Pacific Forum

Rob York

Director, Regional Affairs, Pacific Forum

Philip C. Rogers

PhD candidate in political science, University of California, Berkeley

Areas of expertise

Chinese political economy
Corporate law

Daniel Ikenson

Director of Policy Research, NDP | Analytics

Lorand Laskai

Visiting Researcher, Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET)

Jane Nakano

Senior Fellow, Energy Security and Climate Change Program, CSIS

Andrew Stanley

Energy Content, and Data Visualization Specialist, KAPSARC

James Lewis

Senior Vice President and Director, Strategic Technologies Program, CSIS